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In occasione di WOA 2010, il giorno 5 Settembre 2010 - nel pomeriggio -
si terrā presso l'Hotel Ambasciatori di Rimini una mini-scuola rivolta a
studenti e dottorandi.
La mini-scuola č gratuita e aperta a tutti gli interessati previa iscrizione
da effettuarsi inviando un messaggio all'indirizzo e-mail
specificando "iscrizione alla mini-scuola" nell'oggetto del messaggio.
La mini-scuola fornira' un attestato di partecipazione.
Descrizione interventi
Speakers: Matteo Baldoni, Viviana Patti.
Titolo: Regulating agent interactions in open MAS.
Abstract: Interaction and communication are fundamental abstractions of any
distributed system, especially when cross-business and
business-to-business systems are to be developed. Multi-agent systems
(MAS) are the tools that currently better meet the needs emerging in
this context because they offer proper abstractions: in an open MAS the
interacting agents are typically designed and implemented by different
parties, and may represent confiicting interests. As a consequence,
interaction would not even be possible unless agents are designed to
comply with well-defined standards. One example is the FIPA Agent
Communication Language, that specifies the semantics of a set of
uttarences that agents can use to exchange messages.
A key issue in designing MAS is to regulate interactions between the
autonomous parties so that it produces a desirable outcome. To this aim,
a particularly interesting approach consists in adopting interaction
protocols, meant as shared specifications of behavioral patterns which
allow a set of agents to cooperate when they play their respective
roles. Besides simplifying the coordination problems, protocols
introduce the possibility of performing verification tasks. This aspect
is very important because another key concern in this kind of systems
is, in fact, to have guaranties on how the interaction takes place,
introducing also a notion of responsibility and of commitment.
Interaction protocols can be formally specified in different ways. Some
representations have a procedural nature that captures the allowed
interaction flows. For what concerns the verification of properties, in
this context reachability algorithms, techniques for the verification of
deadlock-freeness, alternated simulation or (bi)simulation techniques
have been proposed for verifying the conformance of agents to roles and
for guaranteeing the substitutability of implementations (agents) to
specifications (roles) in a way that preserves the interoperability of
the involved parties.
Singh and colleagues criticize the use of procedural specifications as
being too rigid and propose the more flexible commitment-based approach
to protocol specification. The greatest advantage of the
commitment-based protocols is that they do not over-constrain the
behavior of the agents by imposing an ordering on the execution of the
shared actions. Moreover, by giving a shared meaning to the social
actions, they make it possible to work on common knowledge, rather than
on beliefs about each others' mental state, as instead is done in
mentalistic approaches to communication.
Similar issues are found in the areas of "Organizational Theory" and
"Electronic Institutions", so that it is possible to make a parallel
between protocol-based interaction rules and institution/organization norms.
Note bibliografiche sui relatori:
Matteo Baldoni is an associate professor at the Department of Computer
Science of the University of Torino since 2006. He took his "Laurea"
degree "summa cum laude" in Computer Science in February 1993 and his
Ph.D. in Computer Science in May 1998, both at the University of Torino.
From February through October 1998 he was research fellow at the
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Marseille (LIM) with a grant from
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). From November 1998 through
July 1999 he was research fellow at Department of Computer Science of
Torino with a grant from CNR. From July 1999 through September 2006 he
has been researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the
University of Torino. In the last years the research activity of Matteo
Baldoni focused on the areas of Agent Oriented and Service Oriented
Computing and of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, with particular
interest on the use of methodologies and techniques derived from
computational logic. Such activity is divided in three main topics:
"agents and services", "modeling and reasoning on curricula in the
semantic web", and "introduction of roles and relations in object and
agent oriented programming languages". In particular, he faced the issue
of reasoning about protocols from the subjective point of view of an
agent playing a role, and the issue of interoperability and conformance.
He is a member of Steering Committee of the workshops Declarative Agent
Languages and Technologies (DALT), co-located with AAMAS, and From
Object to Agent (WOA). He has been co-Chair of DALT from 2005 through
2009, WOA 2004, 2008, 2009, MALLOW-AWESOME 2007 and 2009. He chairs the
working group Sistemi ad Agenti e Multiagente of the Italian Association
for Artificial Intelligence. He has been program committee member of
various international events such as IJCAI'09, AAMAS'10, '09 and '08,
EUMAS'08 and 2007, WEBIST'08 and 2007, ProMAS'09-'08-'09, WS-FM'08-'07-'06.
Viviana Patti is a researcher associate
in Computer Science at the Faculty of Science of the University of
Torino since 2005. She received a degree summa cum laude in Philosophy
in 1996 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2002 from the same
university. She is author of more than 50 scientific papers, published
in conference proceedings, books and international journals. Her
research interests focused on knowledge representation, automated
reasoning and computational logic and included: modal and nonmonotonic
extensions of logic programming, computational logics for agent
programming, reasoning enabling personalization in the semantic web.
Recently most of her research is focused on interoperability and
conformance verification in presence of interaction protocols, semantic
web services and formal methods for selection and composition,
choreography-driven matchmaking, web-based education courseware and
curricula, capturing semantics in social tagging systems. In these
research areas,she has been involved both in national and international
projects. She has been a member of the European network of excellence of
the 6th framework REWERSE, Reasoning on the Web with Rules and Semantics
(2004-2008). In the last two years she was a member of the Vigoni
international research program on "Capturing Semantics in Social Tagging
Systems". Since 2002 she has a continuing research collaboration with
the Institut für Verteilte Systeme-Fachgebiet Wissensbasierte Systeme &
L3S, U. of Hannover (DE) on "Personalization in the semantic web" and
"Semantics in social tagging systems". Since 2007 she has an on-going
collaboration with Prof. M. Singh's research group at the Dep. of Comp.
Science, NCSU (Raleigh, USA) on "Interoperability, and Conformance in
Interaction Protocols and Service Choreographies". As vice-president of
the Associatione Culturale Arsmeteo, she leads the development of web
2.0 Arsmeteo portal (www.arsmeteo.org).
Speaker: Giovanni Rimassa.
Titolo: Fondamenti di BPM Contemporaneo: Tendenze e Convergenze con le Tecnologie ad Agenti.
Business Process Management (BPM) came about in the last years as a discipline
that strives to comprehensively manage an enterprise's business processes
throughout their life cycle, from conception through modeling, execution, and
optimization. With the support of suitable methodology and technology, BPM aims
among other things to become a new way to deliver flexible, model-centric
business applications to any industry domain.
Due to a series of concurring factors from market, technology, and human
sources, the first activity- and flow-centric waves of BPM technology are
increasingly being strained to deliver what they promise. A number of
advancements can be made by leveraging ideas and techniques from Agent
Technology, such as human/system cooperation, goal orientation, and the social
level of system organization.
The lesson will outline the current status of the BPM discipline, market, and
technology, as well as point out the current state-of-the-art infrastructure and
relevant standards (notably the BPMN language). Then, it will present
improvements ideas in various areas, making the connection to the relevant
concepts of Agent Technology and, where possible, showing concrete examples with
a specific BPM suite.
Note bibliografiche sul relatore:
Giovanni Rimassa is Product Manager at Whitestein Technologies AG in Zürich,
Switzerland. He is leading product concept, innovation, and marketing for
Whitestein's novel goal-oriented Business Process Management Suite. He is also
involved in several projects within the Advanced Technologies Line of Business
at Whitestein, dealing with software products and solutions based on Agent
He holds a Ph. D. in Information Technology from the University of Parma, Italy.
Since 1995, he has been involved in applied research on concurrent and
distributed systems, software engineering and artificial intelligence in both
academic and industrial setting, authoring more than 50 papers in international
refereed journals, conferences and workshops. He was one of the main
contributors to JADE , an open source agent platform that
runs from J2ME MIDP to J2EE and is one of the most popular middleware systems to
build multi-agent systems.
Speaker: Andrea Omicini.
Titolo: From Coordination to Semantic Self-Organisation:
A Perspective on the Engineering of Complex Systems
After briefly recapitulating the classical lines of the literature on coordination models, we discuss the
new lines of research that aim at addressing the coordination of complex systems, then focus on mechanisms
and patterns of coordination for self-organising systems. The notions of semantic coordination and
self-organising coordination are defined and shortly discussed, then a vision of SOSC
(self-organising semantic coordination) is presented, along with some insights over available technologies
and possible scenarios for SOSC.
Note bibliografiche sul relatore: Andrea Omicini is Professor at the DEIS (Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica) of the Alma Mater Studiorum-Universitā di Bologna in the field of Computer Engineering. His research interests
include multi-agent systems, coordination models and languages, intelligent systems, declarative and multi-paradigm programming languages, software infrastructures, and Internet technologies.
He wrote over 220 articles on these topics, edited 10 international books on agent-related
issues, and guest-edited 15 special issues of international journals. He also held several tutorials on agent-based systems and coordination models at international conferences and schools.
He organised and chaired several international conferences and workshops
-- among which AAMAS 2002, DALT 2003-2005, 2010, SELMAS 2002, CIA 2003, ESAW
2000-2001,2003-2004, ACM SAC 2004-2005, EUMAS 2006, ITMAS 2010.
Before WOA 2010, he chaired WOA 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, and 2000 -- that is, the first WOA edition.